Forums - MvC2 Tiers (don't read if you're sick of scrubby questions) Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 Tiers (don't read if you're sick of scrubby questions) ( Posted by Geenyoon on 06:26:2001 01:44 AM: MvC2 Tiers (don't read if you're sick of scrubby questions) Can somebody tell me or point me to what is generally agreed upon the tier rankings for this game? I'm just starting to learn this game now. I not only want to know the top tier, but where every character is relatively placed. Thanks to those who answer. Posted by shadowfighta on 06:26:2001 02:43 AM: Top Tier: (In no particular order) Sentinal, Blackheart, Cable, Magneto, Storm, Spiral, Strider, Doom, Cyclops Anything below the top tier is argued but here's my opinion on the lower tiers. 2nd Tier: Psylocke, Cammy, Ironman, Tron, Omega Red, Collosus, Megaman, Capcom, Dhalsim 3rd Tier: Everyone else 4th Tier: Roll, Servbot, Hayato--> (my opinion ) Posted by Smiley on 06:26:2001 03:37 AM: well, shadowfighta has most of the tiers down, but it's still a question (I THINK, NOT TOO SURE) whether or not cyke is top tier, cause IM could be top tier too. strider is top w/ doom, and colossus in second ier (in my opinion) is borderline.... Posted by Dasrik on 06:26:2001 03:50 AM: IMHO there are eight very definite top tier characters in MvC2: Blackheart, Cable, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Sentinel, Spiral, Storm, and Strider. Then right below them would be Cyclops and Iron Man. Psylocke and Captain Commando deserve consideration as well for their assist value. Posted by Shuzer on 06:26:2001 04:14 PM: Iceman has disappeared from everyone's lists? IMO he's still solid second tier. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 06:26:2001 04:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shuzer Iceman has disappeared from everyone's lists? IMO he's still solid second tier. Agreed Posted by kajin on 06:26:2001 05:36 PM: in my opinion, 1st tier cammy, mags,physlock,akuma,guile and charlie,nut thats just me(im a little old school). dont laugh at me Posted by Warlock on 06:26:2001 09:40 PM: the top 10 for me in order are: 1) Iron man 2) Magnus 3) DOOM 4) Storm 5) Cyclops 6) Sentinel 7) Dhalsim 8) Blackheart 9) Jill 10) cable ( too many little scrubs try and use cable, thats why I don't like him, he's always gonna be last on my top 10 ) Posted by Dasrik on 06:26:2001 10:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Warlock the top 10 for me in order are: 1) Iron man 2) Magnus 3) DOOM 4) Storm 5) Cyclops 6) Sentinel 7) Dhalsim 8) Blackheart 9) Jill 10) cable ( too many little scrubs try and use cable, thats why I don't like him, he's always gonna be last on my top 10 ) Okay, maybe in that fantasy space in your brain, this list is viable, but in most other respects it's a crappy list. * Iron Man is definitely nowhere near #1 right now. Sure, the infinite is nice and all, but what is lacking is a generally accepted effective strategy to use IM. I see most people who take him up merely hop around hoping to catch the enemy with a jab or Psylocke to go into the infinite. This is NOT effective in the long run. * If there were an order to the top tier, then Magneto and Doom would surely not be at the top of the top. Mags requires a lot of precision to use effectively against most of the rest of the top, and he has particularly bad fights in Sentinel/BH and BH/any AAA. Doom is bottom top - people have already figured out ways around most of Doom's most viable strategies. * Cyclops is disputable top, and Dhalsim isn't even there yet. They're both really good at batterying, but Cyke requires meter to hold out for long, and Dhalsim has a big weakness for AAA, xx/Commando, and the like. Spiral is a better battery than them both, and she is conspicuously absent from your list. * Jill is just bad. You pulled this out of your ass. * The fact that little scrubs try and use Cable has nothing to do with how good he is (in fact, it would probably testify as to how good he is). Posted by Warlock on 06:26:2001 10:22 PM: well sorry you can't use the teams like I do, I don't wait for a IM infinate jumping like a moron hoping to catch them in it, I don't use a pyslocke assist either, psylocke isn't in my vocabulary. I play good with each charector, I'm sorry that you suck so badly you can't come up with combos and strategies of your own, it's alright to copy and emulate everyone elses shit, but, hey I make up all my shit original alright. Posted by Warlock on 06:26:2001 10:24 PM: when I get time, I will sit here and write up stratagies of mine you can copy, with all the charecters on my list, and you can go to the arcade and win with my stratagies, and you can take credit for it, alright, thank you!!!! Posted by Dasrik on 06:26:2001 10:35 PM: Please share your "elite" strategies. I truly would like to see this. Posted by Carpet Lint on 06:26:2001 10:46 PM: Jill top tier? WTF? Posted by Dasrik on 06:27:2001 11:26 PM: Hmm, a day gone by and still no answer from the master scrub. Well, to his credit, perhaps he is so elite that he can't put his ultra powerful strategies into words. Right? Riiiight. Just another shit talking scrub. Posted by ID on 06:28:2001 12:54 AM: okay, heres my particular order Top tier: Magneto Storm Sentinel BH Iron man Doom Cable Spiral Second tier: (Personally, i dont think a character thats either, Just a assist, or, needs a assist to be even SLIGHTLY effective, is NOT top tier. this includes strider.) Psylocke Cyclops Commando Strider Charlie Ken Tronne War machine Omega red Iceman Cammy Third tier: Everyone thats not in 1, 2, or 4. Too many to list. Fourth tier: Joke characters, and those that turned out to be a joke, tho not intended. Roll Servbot Dan Hayato Zangief Metal wolvie. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 06:28:2001 01:08 AM: None of these are in a real order... Top Tier:Storm, Strider, Sentinel, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Spiral, Cable, Blackheart 2nd Tier: Ironman, Cyclops, Iceman, Psylocke, Ruby Heart, Dhalsim, Ken, Captain Commando, War Machine, Omega Red, Megaman 3rd Tier: M. Bison, Felicia, Tron Bonne, Bulleta, Akuma, Juggernaut, Collosus, Cammy, Bonerine And don't interpret these as gospel. Except that Ken is 2nd tier - Cletus Kasady Posted by Taramoor on 06:28:2001 01:52 AM: Since it seems everyone is posting individual Tiers, I guess I will too. Top Tier:------Second Tier:-----Third Tier:------Fourth Tier: Cable----------War Machine------Servbot----------Hayato Sentinel--------Cyclops----------Spider Man-------SonSon Magneto-------Psylocke---------Wolverine--------Charlie Blackheart-----Anakaris---------Amingo-----------Shuma-Gorath Spiral---------Felicia------------Hulk-------------Zangief Doom-----------Guile------------Sabretooth-------Roll Iron Man-------Sakura-----------Jill Storm----------Iceman-----------Megaman CapCom---------Ken--------------Morrigan Strider--------M. Bison---------Akuma------------Fifth Tier: Dhalsim--------Sakura-----------Juggernaut ---------------Ryu--------------Venom------------Bone Wolverine ---------------Jin--------------Cap. America-----Charlie ---------------Rogue------------Chun-Li----------Marrow ---------------Cammy------------B.B. Hood ---------------Colossus---------Dan ---------------Ruby Heart ---------------T. Bonne I tried columnizing it... not pretty... Notes: War Machine is second tier due to his less-than-reliable version of the proton cannon, and shoulder cannon instead of the abusable unibeam. Dan and Servbot have both saved me from a loss far too many times for me to banish them to the bottom. Dan with his Otoko-Michi and Servbot with Lunch Rush or Kobun Frenzy. Sakura and Guile are two of my standard characters and I consider them second tier, though others do not. I can do exceptionally well with Roll as well, but her disadvantages are harder to ignore. Keep in mind that this is my opinion only (I love that excuse) and tell me why you disagree. I expect a serious thrashing regarding my placement of some characters. Posted by Warlock on 06:28:2001 01:59 AM: shit talking scrub right? riiiight?? no, like I said when I get the time to write the shit up I will, untill I get the time, which will be later on tonight you ass!!!!!! go ahead and keep running your mouth Posted by Warlock on 06:28:2001 02:27 AM: 1) Iron man:::the thing to do with IM is use an assist, either projectile, anti-air, do not jump like a moron hoping to get an infinate started, use the projectile assist, and fire off a projectile with IM,ice mean with projectile works good, then as the assist projectile is still hitting, dash and start the assault. 2) Magnus::: I know that everyone knows how to do the delay air combo, and the hyper tempest combo. I don't want to go into detail with magnus, I have done post after post defending my magneto. you really want my stratagies for magnus, look at some of my other threads on here. 3) DOOM::: I'm not gonna write all the shit up as before and repeat it over and over. I've type up stratagies for all my charecters on my list already, if you want the stratagies, just look'em up. 4) Storm 5) Cyclops 6) Sentinel 7) Dhalsim 8) Blackheart 9) Jill 10) cable I did say that this list was MINE and MINE ALONE!!!!!!! not YOURS!!!!!, so fuck off alright, if you don't like don't read it, it's my list, not yours, make up your own, I never said "this is the almighty list of charectors", my respect my fucking decision alright!!!!!! it's a free fucking country. Posted by Dasrik on 06:28:2001 02:39 AM: So that's all I get... I suppose I should be disappointed, seeing as how you lauded Jill as better than Cable and all that. But of course a personal list is, pretty much, meaningless, and the originator wasn't asking for YOUR opinion, but a generally accepted one. Tiers work by being proven til tournaments, so until I see you win lots of Cali/NYC/etc. tourneys with Jill, I'm going to continue to think that you are a shit-talking scrub. I'm done. Posted by AMX on 06:28:2001 03:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik So that's all I get... I suppose I should be disappointed, seeing as how you lauded Jill as better than Cable and all that. But of course a personal list is, pretty much, meaningless, and the originator wasn't asking for YOUR opinion, but a generally accepted one. Tiers work by being proven til tournaments, so until I see you win lots of Cali/NYC/etc. tourneys with Jill, I'm going to continue to think that you are a shit-talking scrub. I'm done. ditto! Posted by Cletus Kasady on 06:28:2001 03:04 AM: Warlock: There was not one mention of Smart Bombs in your post on Iron Man, thus making you an idiot. - Cletus Kasady Posted by Iceman on 06:28:2001 04:32 AM: Am I the only person who doesn't think Ken and Psylocke deserve to be second tier ONLY because of their assists? Also, am I the only person who questions himself for calling Capcom second tier? At least Cammy can play point fairly well. Posted by Ultima on 06:28:2001 05:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Am I the only person who doesn't think Ken and Psylocke deserve to be second tier ONLY because of their assists? Also, am I the only person who questions himself for calling Capcom second tier? At least Cammy can play point fairly well. I question it as well Between Psylocke, Ken and Capcom, Capcom is definitely the worst. In no way, shape or form is he second tier. Ken and Psylocke are a little more debatable, but I think they're top third tier, not quite second. Second tier IMO belongs to characters who are really good, but just aren't quite as good as the top tier - that includes the Ironmen, Dhalsim, Megaman, etc. However, I question whether Cammy is better than Psylocke. Cammy has better rushdown, but Psylocke can chip better and more safely with her fast projectile. Depends on the team, I guess... Posted by Warlock on 06:28:2001 05:48 AM: I don't use Smart bombs with IM, and I will be using jill at B5, I could tell you the keys to winning with Jill, but why should I spoil it for you? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:28:2001 09:48 AM: I did a post about this a while back. Here was the final list, after a few pages of argument: Top: Blackheart, Cable, Dr. Doom, Iron Man, Magneto, Sentinel, Spiral, Storm, Strider 2nd: Cammy, Captain Commando, Colossus, Cyclops, Dhalsim, Iceman, Jin, Juggernaut, Ken, Mega Man, Omega Red, Psylocke, Rogue, Silver Samurai, War Machine 3rd: Akuma, Anakaris, BB Hood, Captain America, Charlie, Chun Li, Felicia, Gambit, Guile, Hulk, M. Bison, Marrow, Morrigan, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sakura, Son Son, Thanos, Tron Bonne, Venom, Wolverine, Wolverine (no metal) 4th: Amingo, Jill Valentine, Kobun, Sabretooth, Shuma Gorath, Spider-Man Bottom: Dan, Hayato, Roll, Zangief -DFA Posted by elffzero on 06:28:2001 09:54 AM: Top Tier in my world: Felecia,BH,Omega Red, Thanos, Son-Son, Cammy, Zangeif, Rainbow Mika & Christina Ricci. But i've got all these cool strategies that work. watch i'll show you all... Posted by elffzero on 06:28:2001 09:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove I did a post about this a while back. Here was the final list, after a few pages of argument: Top: Blackheart, Cable, Dr. Doom, Iron Man, Magneto, Sentinel, Spiral, Storm, Strider 2nd: Cammy, Captain Commando, Colossus, Cyclops, Dhalsim, Iceman, Jin, Juggernaut, Ken, Mega Man, Omega Red, Psylocke, Rogue, Silver Samurai, War Machine 3rd: Akuma, Anakaris, BB Hood, Captain America, Charlie, Chun Li, Felicia, Gambit, Guile, Hulk, M. Bison, Marrow, Morrigan, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sakura, Son Son, Thanos, Tron Bonne, Venom, Wolverine, Wolverine (no metal) 4th: Amingo, Jill Valentine, Kobun, Sabretooth, Shuma Gorath, Spider-Man Bottom: Dan, Hayato, Roll, Zangief -DFA Dude! you alphabetizing freak! hehe... j/k Posted by SkyHawk360 on 06:28:2001 12:29 PM: My tiers fror this game Here is what i think the tiers are: Top: Blackheart, Cable, Doctor Doom, Captain Commando, Storm, Iceman(Gotta love that beam resistance ), Akuma, Iron Man, War Machine, Thanos, Strider (Without him, the infamous Doc Doom/Strider trap would of never happen.), Magneto 2nd: Amingo, Hayato, Venom, Spider-Man, Cyclops, Ryu, Chun-Li, M. Bison, Megaman, Morrigan, Captain America, Jin Satome, Psylocke, Rogue, Gambit, Spiral 3rd: Ken, Juggernaut, Tron Bonne, Jill Valentine, Omega Red (All he does is use that fucking coil, and it pisses me off!!), Sakura, Cammy, Hulk, BB Hood, Anakaris, Ruby Heart, Sabretooth, Colossus, Shuma-Gorath, Guile, Charlie, Silver Samurai, Sentinel 4th: Roll, Dan, Servbot(Kobun), Wolverine, Bone Claw Wolverine, Marrow, Zangief, Sonson, Dhalsim, Felicia As you can see, i do this for one reason: If that fighter is good. The people in the Top tier have no weakness or few while the one in the 4th tier have many weaknesses but with the right player, they can beat a Top tier fighter. Posted by tortoise on 06:28:2001 02:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Am I the only person who doesn't think Ken and Psylocke deserve to be second tier ONLY because of their assists? Also, am I the only person who questions himself for calling Capcom second tier? At least Cammy can play point fairly well. CapCom's assist is so ungodly good that it's all he needs to be solid second tier. It's arguably the best assist in the game, at least within the top three. Yes CapCom is pure ass on point, but his assist helps teams so much it's worth it. Here's my tiers (roughly in order) top ---- storm sentinel magneto spiral blackheart cable cyclops ironman second ---- capcom strider psylocke cammy tron omega red silver samurai ken dhalsim ruby heart iceman third ---- anakaris juggernaut felicia the infinite void of mediocre characters ---- everyone else except... bottom ---- roll servbot shuma zangief My current wildcard is amingo, believe it or not. He's been a staple character of mine for quite a while, but recently I've discovered some new things about him. I will test him out on good comp this weekend and see what happens. I may even consider him for third tier. Posted by Iceman on 06:28:2001 05:06 PM: I agree with Cap as second tier because he assist is THAT much better then most others. Also, he at least has a few tricks on point. His pseudo-keepaway works well against anyone without a decent beam (Ok Ok, that means he gets worked by the top tier, Iceman, War Machine, Megaman, etc.), and he still has the 100% throw (or at least a 50% throw is good enough for me. His dash isn't horrible, and dropping and assist then doing Capt. Kick can be a pain for some characters. There's not doubt to me that Cammy is much much better on point then Psylocke. Cammy has more speed on the ground and in the air (what's up with Psylocke's slow ass jumps?). And it isn't like Psylocke is a chipping godess. It would be different if she was Cyclops or even Cable for chipping, but she's not. Another thing Cammy does is makes it impossible for beamers to chip you if you have Cammy as a help and 2 supers (counter xx KBA). I've used this on unsuspecting opponents (suspeting opponents won't chip me in the first place). I consider Cammy an easy second tier because she has use on point on top of being a great assist. Posted by Dasrik on 06:29:2001 01:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by Warlock I don't use Smart bombs with IM, and I will be using jill at B5, I could tell you the keys to winning with Jill, but why should I spoil it for you? If you don't use Iron Man's Smart Bombs, which are pretty much his best weapon, you are a bona fide idiot. And what will you do when you go to B5 and get WORKED if you use Jill (I doubt you'll even show up)... then what about your grand master strategies? You are a moron. That is all there is to it. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:43 PM. Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.